Palace Of Versailles Map: A Reliable Companion For Your Visit

Palace of Versailles Map

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The Palace of Versailles is one of the largest palaces in France, covering an area of 210,017 sq mi (543,941 sq km).

It has over 2000 rooms and many fountains, gardens, and parks.

To visit the palace without missing its major highlights, one must have a reliable companion—the Palace of Versailles Map.

With the palace map in hand, visitors will have a clear picture of the attraction in their minds.

It will help you navigate the palace’s different routes and easily locate its major attractions and other facilities, such as restrooms, shops and more.

Palace of Versailles Entrances and Ticket Office

There are five entrances to the Palace of Versailles. Some of them also have a ticket office.

1. The Main Entrance (top left of the Cour d’Honneur)

2. Entrance A (top left of the Cour d’Honneur for visitors with pre-booked tickets)

3. Entrance B (top right of the Cour d’Honneur for group tours)

4. Entrance H (left side of the Cour d’Honneur for people with disabilities and their companions)

5. Guided Tour Entrance (North Ministers Wing, right-hand side of the Cour d’Honneur for visitors with guided tour tickets)

The main ticket office to the Palace of Versailles is located in the South Ministers’ Wing, to the left of the Honour Courtyard.

This ticket office sells all kinds of tickets.

However, to save time and money, we still recommend booking palace tickets online in advance.
Especially from April to October, when tickets at the ticketing office are mostly sold out. 

Inside the Palace of Versailles

Inside the Palace of Versailles

There are nearly 50+ attractions at the Palace of Versailles and the surrounding area. Out of them, these are some of the highlights that no one should miss:

1. Hall of Mirrors (Galeries des Glaces): The Hall of Mirrors is the major part of the palace, constructed with 357 mirrors across 17 arches. The Hall also witnessed the signing of the Treaty of Versailles in 1919, which ended World War I. 

2. King and Queen’s Apartments: The Kings and Queens show how French kings and queens lived in luxury. The King’s rooms were for ceremonies filled with many red and gold decorations, while the Queen’s rooms were more light and colorful with flowery patterns.

3. Royal Opera House: Louis XV built the Royal Opera House in 1770, just in time for his son’s wedding to Marie Antoinette. At that time, it became the biggest concert hall in Europe. Today, it is still used for ballet, concerts, and operas.

4. Royal Chapel: Completed in 1710, the Royal Chapel was used for Marie-Antoinette and Louis XVI’s wedding. It took more than 20 years to finish, with over 110 artists and sculptors. The Chapel stands tall at 144 feet, making it the tallest part of Versailles.

5. Gardens and Groves: The Palace has many Gardens and Groves ( garden rooms enclosed by tall hedges and trees) made by architect André Le Nôtre. Over the course of 30 years, he turned the wild grounds into formal gardens with paths, plant beds, hedges, etc.

6. Grand Canal: The Grand Canal is a stunning place stretching over a mile long. It begins with a grand pathway called “The Royal Drive.”At the end lies the Apollo Basin, which has a large circular pool and a fountain depicting Apollo, the Sun God.

Other Things to See at the Palace of Versailles:

Besides the major highlights, these are the things that visitors can see at the Palace:

Château (Palace)

  1. Place d’Armes (Arms Square)
  2. Cour d’Honneur (Honor Court)
  3. Cour Royale (Royal Court)
  4. Cour de Marbre (Marble Court)
  5. Aile du Nord (North Wing)
  6. Aile du Midi (South Wing)
  7. Aile Nord des Ministres (North Ministers’ Wing)
  8. Aile Sud des Ministres (South Ministers’ Wing)

Jardins et Bosquets (Gardens and Groves)

  1. Bassin d’Apollon (Apollo Basin)
  2. Bosquet de l’Encelade (Enceladus Grove)
  3. Jardin du Roi (King’s Garden)
  4.  Salle des Marronniers (Chestnut Room)
  5.  Bosquet de la Colonnade (Colonnade Grove)
  6.  Bosquet des Dômes (Domes Grove)
  7.  Bassin du Miroir (Mirror Pool)
  8.  Tapis Vert (Green Carpet)
  9.  Bosquet de la Girandole (Girandole Grove)
  10.  Bosquet du Dauphin (Dolphin Grove)
  11.  Bassin et Parterre de Latone (Latona Basin and Parterre)
  12.  Salle de Bal (Ballroom) 
  13. Bosquet des Bains d’Apollon (Apollo Baths Grove)
  14. Parterre d’eau (Water Parterre)
  15. Pièce d’Eau des Suisses (Swiss Water Piece)
  16. Bosquet des Trois Fontaines (Three Fountains Grove)
  17. Bassin de Neptune (Neptune Basin)
  18. Bassin du Dragon (Dragon Basin)
  19. Orangerie (Orangery)
  20. Parterre Sud (South Parterre)
  21. Parterre Nord (North Parterre)
  22. Bosquet de l’Arc de Triomphe (Triumphal Arch Grove)
  23. Bassin de Saturne (Saturn Basin)
  24. Bassin de Bacchus (Bacchus Basin)
  25. Bosquet de la Reine (Queen’s Grove)
  26. Bosquet de l’Obélisque (Obelisk Grove)
  27. Bassin de Flore (Flora Basin)
  28. Bosquet de l’Étoile (Star Grove)
  29. Bassin de Cérès (Ceres Basin)
  30. Allée d’Eau ou des Marmousets (Water or Marmousets Alley)
  31. Bain des Nymphes (Nymphs’ Bath)
  32. Pyramide (Pyramid)
  33. Fontaine du Point du Jour (Daybreak Fountain)
  34. Fontaine du Soir (Evening Fountain)

Châteaux de Trianon et domaine de Marie-Antoinette (Palaces of Trianon and Domain of Marie-Antoinette)

  1. Grand Trianon (Grand Trianon)
  2.  Petit Trianon (Small Trianon)
  3.  Chapelle (Chapel)
  4.  Jardin français (French Garden)
  5.  Pavillon Français (French Pavilion)
  6.  Théâtre de la Reine (Queen’s Theatre)
  7.  Rocher (rock)
  8.  Belvédère (Belvedere)
  9.  Clairière des Catalpas (Catalpa Clearing)
  10.  Jardin de Jussieu (Jussieu Garden)
  11.  Jardin Anglo-Chinois (Anglo-Chinese Garden)
  12.  Temple de l’Amour (Temple of Love)
  13.  Maison de la reine (Queen’s House)
  14.  Tour de Marlborough (Marlborough Tower)
  15.  Laiterie de Propreté (Cleanliness Dairy)
  16.  Moulin (Mill)
  17.  Boudoir (Boudoir)
  18.  Réchauffoir (Warming Room)
  19.  Ferme (Farm)
  20.  Bassin du Fer-à-Cheval (Horseshoe Basin)
  21.  Bassin du Plat-Fond (Flat-Bottom Basin)
  22.  Buffet d’eau (Water Buffet)
  23.  Amphithéâtre (Amphitheatre)
  24.  Salles vertes (Green Rooms)
  25.  Pavillon de Jussieu (Jussieu Pavilion)

Accessibility at the Palace of Versailles

Accessibility at the Palace of Versailles

The Palace of Versailles is accessible to all kinds of visitors.

For visitors with reduced mobility: Specific arrangements and facilities are available.
For visually impaired visitors:
Accommodations and aids are provided.
For visitors with learning disabilities:
Tailored support and resources are offered.
For visitors with mental-health difficulties:
Appropriate measures are in place.
For visitors who are hard of hearing: Assistance is available, including updated Grand Apartments tours on Vizioguides.

All the areas except the palace garden are accessible to people with reduced mobility.

The Public Register of Accessibility is updated annually and can be consulted on-site at the main visitor entrance, the Dufour Pavilion.

There are toilets and changing rooms before the ticket checks in the South Ministers’ Wing and after the ticket checks in the basement of the Dufour Pavilion (Entrance A).

Other toilets are also located in the basement of the Gabriel Pavilion (Entrance B) and at the end of the History Gallery.

From the Princes Courtyard, vehicular access to the Honour Courtyard is free with proof (sticker or mobility card), and parking spaces are available for easier garden access. Alert estate staff at the honor gate upon arrival.


1. What city is the Palace of Versailles in?

2. How many floors are in the Palace of Versailles?

3. How many bedrooms are in the Palace of Versailles today?

4. Is the Palace of Versailles open to the public?

5. Is the Palace of Versailles accessible?

6. Can you walk into the Palace of Versailles?

7. Does the Palace of Versailles have bathrooms?

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